The first two acclimatization days at Everest Base Camp were really though to me and the team. Most of the team ran into altitude sickness and needed medical treatment. At 9PM we usually decide that it’s time to get some sleep in the tents. The first night is usually a nightmare to me since the routines aren’t in place. I want to sleep with my head in a high position in order to prevent altitude sickness.
I needed two nights to get things work. The second one I needed medical treatment with Diamox. In the morning I was extremely tired and the two resting days were more than welcome to the entire team. We are going to spend two days in the Base Camp just to get acclimatized until we approach the Intermediate Camp at 6187 m. At the time I write this things are starting to get better, slowly – no headache, no vomiting, aptite slowly getting back, stomach ok. The goal is now to boost energi for the climb.
The weather changes fast between strong sunshine, wind and som easy snowing.
We are into some planning work and the plan looks like this for the entire team. My plan is now to turn at Camp 2 during daytime since I am not going summiting. I will be two days in my own with Chhiring for the North Col attempt.
The Everest climbing steps base camp: 5182m Interim camp: 6187m – 5 to 6 hours (first time) Sleep Advanced base camp: 6492m – 6 hours (first time) Rest North Col or C1: 7000m – 4 to 6 hours (first time) Camp 2: 7500m – 5 hours Camp 3: 8300m – 4-6 hours First Step: 8500m – 2 hours from C3 Second Step: 8577m – 1 hour Third Step: 8690m – 1-2 hours Summit Pyramid – 2 hours Summit: 8850m – 1 hour
The time estimations may differ between different groups.
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Lycka till Björn, kämpa på.
/ Hernan
Låter som ett par jobbiga dagar, men antar att ni alla var bredda på det? Hoppas du känner dig bättre snart!!!
Hoppas höjdsjukan ger med sig, heja dig!
Hoppas höjesjukan släpper snabbt och lycka till Björn, oerhört spännande att följa ditt äventyr!
Pepsi o jag hejar också på här hemifrån soffan
Det värmer – kramar – trött Björn men lycklig
Pepsi o jag följer dej här hemifrån soffan, lycka till!
Lycka till Björn, hoppas du snart acklimatiserat dig och att allt går bra upp. Var försiktig!
Hoppas ni alla i teamet känner styrka och kraft till de återstående klättringarna. Vi följer er med hjärta och värme.
Margaretha o Arne Å
Eriks föräldrar
Vad roligt att ni följer, det stärker att ha ett team som följer, kommer mer !! 🙂